Mid sleeper bed is a low cabin bed that is raised above the floor. The space between the bed and floor can be large and high enough to accommodate extra room for storage, play or study area. Since most mid sleeper beds are meant for children above 6 years old and teenagers, they will come fitted with stairs to aid in accessing the bed. A mid sleeper bed with stairs will utilise a small space by taking advantage of the vertical space and offering an autonomous space for your kids to play or study. The design and multifunctionality of a mid-sleeper bed with stairs can create a sense of adventure and fun.
Saturn Mid sleeper – Charcoal & White
Popular Designs of mid sleeper bed with stairs
The height of a mid-sleeper bed with stairs creates safety concerns for the users. Making sure no under 6 year olds use this type of bed, that only one child per bed, installing guardrails and carpet or rug under the bed can go a long way in safeguarding your child’s bedroom. Depending on the design of a mid-sleeper bed, it can offer you a comfortable sleeping and storage area, and better organization to reduce clutter in a room. They are also easily customizable with features such as desks, seating areas and tents.
Mid sleeper bed with storage
There are several designs of storage in mid sleeper beds. The storage space can be as drawers, shelves, cupboards, or wardrobes. They also come in different colours and styles. Mid sleeper beds utilizes the vertical space in a bedroom to create an extra space to store stuff that would otherwise create clutter in terms of extra storage furniture. Having as few furniture a child’s room reduces some of the safety concerns that would otherwise be associated with heavily stocked rooms.
Mid Sleeper Bed with Desk
The design of a mid-sleeper bed with desk creates a functional and comfortable room for your child to sleep and study or play with in-built desk underneath the bed. This space is particularly useful for your kid to find privacy when studying or playing. This bed can also incorporate cupboards, shelves or bookcases for storage of essential study or play materials.
Mid sleeper bed with tent
Creating an imaginative and fun place for your child to play and sleep is critical in creating a sense of comfort. A mid sleeper bed with tent combines creativity to create a fun place for your child live in. It can also lessen the struggles associated with bedtime.
Mid sleeper bed with slide
This is another bed made to create a fun and playful room for your child. The slide is attached to the bed to create a sense of adventure. A mid sleeper bed with slide is easily customizable in terms of colours and designs to suit your preferences. It is also sturdier and more durable due to the added functionality of a slide.
Beds Comparison UK is a price comparison website fully dedicated to beds. We feature some of the leading retailers in beds category to aggregate the best prices and offers for the perfect bed you are looking for. Check out our catalogue of kids beds to get your perfect bed today.