Low bed frames create a compact and minimalist feel and look for your bedroom. These types of beds are lower and closer to the floor of your room compared to traditional beds. Single and double low bed frames are perfect for small rooms as they make your bedroom seem bigger and airer as the focus of the room is removed away from your bed. The minimalist nature of low-to-the-ground bed frames gives them the status of being less bulky compared to other types of bed frames. They tend also to have less sophistication and decorations and thus can fit most existing bedroom decors without many alterations.
Sandringham Oak And Cream King Size Bed Frame
Sandringham Oak And Grey Double Bed Frame
About low bed frames
Low-profile bed frames can be made from wood, metal, fabric, or leather. A quick search across the major bed stores online undeniably reveals wooden low bed frames to be the most popular material in this category. Wooden frames tend to be minimalist, sturdy, and durable as well. Thus, wood as a material ticks all boxes for why you would want to have a low-profile bed frame. Metal low bed frames are perfect for creating a modern aesthetic feeling in your bedroom. Metal as bed frame material also tends to be lightweight and easy to move around. Leather low-profile bed frames give your bed a luxurious feel to it.
Low double bed frame
The standard dimension of a low double bed frame is 135cm wide and 190cm long. Low profile double bed frame can fit your idea of creating a minimalist which is associated with a modern look to rooms. This type of bed frame will also create the feeling of a much bigger bedroom as it becomes airier.
Low bed frame with storage
Buying a low bed frame with a storage compartment will complement a small room with extra storage without taking up much space to place extra storage furniture. You are thus able to maintain a minimalist, modern and clutter-free bedroom if this is what you want to achieve with your bedroom. Depending on your preference, you can choose from storage drawers on the sides or a large under-bed storage.
Beds Comparison UK is your one-point stop if you are looking for the best deals on everything beds. We feature some of the leading retailers in the beds’ category to offer the deals all in one place. Browse our store to discover more beds’ deals today.